I work in social media for a top luxury auto brand. This is a great tool to use, you get an overall picture of whats going on. There are several view options that are great and navigating is pretty simple. The functionality offers more than any of ther other insta computer apps, so for a business standpoint, this is a great tool. For my personal use, I wouldnt use it (unless i had a ton of followers). I love the statistics feature. Feel and look is great!
BUT! and its a big BUT…. Says this was updated in Dec 1, 2015. That was 10 days ago, Im not sure what it entailed, but they didnt seem to get all the quirks out right. The app freezes often. Going from one profile to another seems too much for it. The waiting game doesnt work so I have to keep force quitting. Its quite frustrating and time consuming. If it was a few times it would be ok, but Ive been on this site for about 3 hours and it has crashed 7X.
If they can get the crashing together then, this would be a great buy. I would even say worth the $4.99 which is a lot for an app. I would not recommending pulling your wallet out for this one - not right now at least. If it did not crash as much, then I would prefer to use this app vs. Spredfast (Which is a social media managing program for businesses).
Some others Id like to see:
1. I noticed that none of these apps allow for direct messaging. Its not even available on the Native site. I hope they decide to include that feature. As we have a lot of customers sending us DMs & its too overwhelming to manage over the phone app.
2. Notifications - the app should include notifications for tags, DM & comments.
SabinaSweetrice about PhotoDesk - for Instagram